Sunday, January 23, 2011

slugging it out

I'm watching the marathon match between Kuznetsova and Schiavone at the Australian Open. They are into their third set at 13 all. One commentator asked Roger Federer what you do when you get to this point. Do you play it safe or go for it? When I played my match against Tore today I got to this point at 2 games to 1 and 9 - 10, I knew I had to play the basic shots and not go for tricky winners. We both buckled down to what we knew best to do and just try to play harder at it. The same is happening in this tennis match. Neither player is taking too many chances. They are hitting safer angles and more opportunistic. It really feels like I'm watching a drill being played out. My last 4 points of that match went exactly like this. It was all about getting to everything and putting it in play. In the end, my opponent made the last error of the match.

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