Monday, January 24, 2011

Meaningful statistics

I'm watching grand slam tennis on the internet because my son, 2 and a half years old, won't let me watch it on TV. He gets upset when I asked him if I could change the channel from sprout to espn. Well, I'm watching live scoring as opposed to live video feed. IBM grandslam tracker does quite a remarkable job at publishing live statistics. The metrics they use are comprehensive to say the least and paints a very good picture of how the players are holding up. This made me wonder what would be meaningful metrics to track for a squash match. Here's my crack at some metrics.

1) number of service points won & percentage of service points won
2) number of receiving points won & percentage of receiving points won
3) unforced errors numbers
4) number of foot faults
5) number of service faults
6) number of no-ups
7) number of out of bounds
8) number of service unreturned
9) average number of strokes per rally
10) number of lets asked
11) number of lets granted
12) number of strokes agains
13) game duration
14) average points duration

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