Saturday, October 11, 2014

One Simple Strategy

A wonderful timely news came this morning that Roger Federer beat Novak Djokavic in a stunning 64 64 straight set win.  The talk of the town is how Roger won it.  He did so by deploying for the first time a concerted attacking net game.  This report breaks down the numbers really clearly.  The simple truth is that the strategy is an old one, but a good one.  You get to the net and cut off your opponent's time and options.  This is the same strategy squash players learn.  You cut off the ball to take time away from your opponent.  You do that by getting to the T and controlling the rallies from there.  With my new found power relieving me from the pressure of execution, I can now focus of playing out this strategy.  For me, it's simple.  Get to the front of the court often and put the balls deep into the back corners.

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