Wednesday, December 1, 2010

More on training & memory

Last night was the second night in a row this week I went to practice. The first night practice was unremarkable. 2 minutes on the bike to warm up gave me a better start than I normally have, but after a running game with Rita, I lost focus and it became sporadic for the rest of the night. I did a few sets of leg press which ended the evening on a good note. Last night I repeated the 2 minute warmup on the bike. Although I didn't find my rhythm right away with focus being a bit lagging, I did manage to get my legs feeling strong early on without the pains and aches holding back lunges that come with a cold start. The night did end on a much more positive note with wins against Keng and J. The positives were good movement to the T and good movement to the front court resulting from good visual focus. Taking big steps and stopping before the other player is ready to hit the ball made a big difference in seeing and reacting to the rally. One lesson I take away from last night is the knowledge that a good performance can result from bad performances of previous day or days. I had felt that a bad performance one day means I'll have bad performances from that point forward until I put in the requisite drills and lessons. Last night showed that is not true. It may all depend on how much effort was put forth and how well I warmup and cool down. Doing the requisite stretches and other training practices may be the key to performing better on the next run.

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