Thursday, October 14, 2010

Today's Squash Report

I'm happy to report about today's squash. I played Jerry and another player Anton who I would guess is another UK expat from his accent. We played three's and I have to admit that I played some of my best squash. I defended rigorously and most importantly I kept my calm and mixed up the pace. The biggest news to report has to be the results. I won two of the three games to 15, winning my games soundly. Most of all, I responded to both Jerry and Anton's change in approach after game one, which I won. They started to throw more lobs, but I caught on and eventually towards the middle of game two I started to respond to the lobs with high cross and straight drives of my own. I fell very far behind during game two, but rallied back to 12 before finally losing it. Game three was solid with my holding my composure and kept the pressure on by retrieving every shot until I had an opening to close it out.

I was definitely alert and watching carefully. I got to the T and kept on my toes. I noticeably held my racquet at the ready the whole time. These I was very conscious of.

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